Thursday 3 May 2012

Count Down!

Tomorrow, May 4th, Neil and I will be setting off on our newest adventure. During May and June we chase the winds across Indonesia, hoping they bring on the swell. Neil will surf his favourite breaks in Nusa Lembongan, Rote, Sumbawa and South West Java and I will follow on behind as caddie, photographer and general roustabout. For the first month we will have the company of one our oldest and dearest friends, Daz, and a close mate of his, Stuart.

From there our targeted destinations will be India and Nepal but whether it will be a direct route or a twisted journey is yet to unfold. No plans are set in concrete........... or perhaps they are. The destinations are planned and we will get there, but that is where the planning stops. Stay loose! The weather in July/August may dictate our chosen paths. We will leave it in the hands of the winds and the stars.

So for now we will say farewell to Australia. We will see you in the New Year. Farewell to our beautiful family and friends. We will miss you all, but hopefully, if you are reading this now and watch this space, you will also be able to follow our adventures over the coming months. I am a blogger virgin so have patience!

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