Friday 28 September 2012

Nepali Thali - First Stop Kathmandu

29th August - 6th September

After an uneventful ride to Delhi International Airport (thankfully as I did not need a repeat performance of our last trip to the airport) and a short flight, we soon found ourselves in Kathmandu filling out the paperwork for our Nepal Visas.

Outside Seto Machhendranath Temple

Taleju Temple

I hope I never outgrow the anticipation and excitement I always feel when arriving at a new destination. Nepal was no different. 
After a short taxi ride we were soon deposited outside our hotel in Thamel, the tourist ghetto of Kathmandu. Thamel, a maze of narrow winding streets, is wall to wall guest houses, hotels, restaurants, bakeries, clothing shops, curio shops, souvenir shops etc., etc., etc.. Bangkok has Khao San, Kathmandu has Thamel. Yes, it is a tourist ghetto, but, for a short stay it has a friendly if not chaotic vibe. Everything you could possibly need for your stay in Nepal or want as pressies for loved ones back home is available for purchase just a short stroll away.
During our week in the capital we wandered the streets of Thamel, the old town and Durbar Square, sampled the culinary fare on offer among many of the restaurants, organised a safari in Chitwan and a trek in the Annapurna Ranges.
In and around Durbar (Palace) Square

Hanuman Dhola (Royal Palace - now a museum
 Other side of Royal Palace stepping into Nasal Chowk

 The nine-storey Basantapur (Kathmandu Tower) 

 Narsingha Statue

Shiva and Parvati people watching from the upstairs window of their Temple
 Shiva-Parvati Temple

Kumari Bahal ( Home of th Living Goddess. The Living Kumari, is the girl selected to be the town's goddess until she reaches puberty and returns to being a mere mortal like the rest of us)
The Kumari's inner courtyard - entrance to the courtyard is allowed when the Kumari is not present.

Durbar Square


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